1 - Download GiD from CIMNE.
2 - After installing, put folder formfind.gid inside GiD folder problemtypes. Download the computer source code written in Ada95.
The solution parameters are available inside GiD through Data --> Problem Data.
lstol: Controls the accuracy of the line search. It must lie in the range 0.0 <= lstol < 1.0. Decreasing this value tends to increase the accuracy of the line search. It is usually 0.1.
maxls: The maximum number of cubic interpolations allowed in the line search. It must be greater that one. It is usually 20.
The iterations terminate if the infinity norm of the residue becomes less than or equal to maxnorm, which is calculated as:
maxnorm = mntol * mnref
If mntol is specified as a non-positive value, it is replaced by 0.001.
If mnref is specified as a non-positive value, it is replaced by the infinite norm of the residue, evaluated with all displacements equal to zero.
maxminor: The maximum number of minor iterations allowed. If maxminor is specified as a non-positive value, it is replaced by ten times the number of degrees of freedom.
maxlist: The number of BFGS corrections kept. These corrections are stored separately on a doubly linked circular list. Used only with the limited memory BFGS method. It is usually between 3 and 20.
maxmajor: The maximum number of major iterations allowed. It must be greater that zero.