Anechoic chamber

The chamber is supported by springs on its perimeter. The design live load for the floor is equal to 250 kgf/m2. The design live load for the ceiling is equal to 50 kgf/m2.

Specific weight (concrete) = 2320.0 kgf/m3
Surface (ceiling) = 8.1 m2
Volume (wall, ceiling) = 4.0 m3
Wall perimeter = 11.80 m


rated capacity = 2599 kgf
rated deflection = 2.5 cm
k = 1.0396E+03

Model 1


The following table shows the vertical displacements of the top corner nodes, counterclockwise starting at the node on the left side of the door.

Node Displ Z
251 -1.1 cm
230 -1.0 cm
418 -1.1 cm
536 -1.2 cm


The following table shows the vertical reactions of the bottom nodes, counterclockwise starting at the node on the left side of the door.

Node Force Z
1032 1179.0 kgf
1033 1137.9 kgf
1034 1096.8 kgf
1035 1056.2 kgf
1036 1094.9 kgf
1037 1133.7 kgf
1038 1171.9 kgf
1039 1213.3 kgf
1040 1254.5 kgf
1041 1294.7 kgf
1042 1256.9 kgf
1043 1218.1 kgf

Stresses (floor)

Vibration frequencies

Model 2

The weight of the wall, the weight and the live load of the ceiling were applied as force on the edges of the floor. The force/length on the edge can be calculated as (4.0 * 2320.0 + 8.1 * 50) / 11.80 = 821 kgf/m.

Stresses (floor)